Thursday, May 19, 2016


Regarding the now infamous, withheld "28 pages" implicating the Saudis in helping to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks wherein 15 of the 19 attackers were Saudi citizens:

(1)  Why the hell isn't the DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly-controlled government requiring that the military bomb 9/11 Terrorist-supporting Saudi Arabia back to the stone age for their act of war upon us?

(2)  Why are so many Americans such easily demagogued and manipulated "useful idiots" that they keep voting the clearly traitorous, Saudi-butt-kissing DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly (This is the answer to question #1) back into power, even though by doing so they are metaphorically spitting, urinating and defecating in the blood of the over three thousand Americans killed by the Saudis  and their traitorous DemonCrap & RepugantPuke allies in D.C.?


Here's a response, that sounds pretty substantive, from "D. Bonham", received on 5/19/16 through the Disqus commentary system regarding the 1st question above : 

Without the House of Saud's cooperation to keep oil in American dollars our economy would tank. This was the deal Nixon made with them when he took us off the gold standard. He would make the Saud family filthy rich and they would agree to keep the US dollar as the petro dollar. Basically the Saudis can commit any human rights atrocity they want and we just look the other way.

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